People always seek how to look the best possible image of the body and all the way around, for what in many cases rely on a lot of items and actions enabling them to achieve the best results in terms of body aesthetics. In such a way to achieve physical beauty can simply call a good makeup, exercise or to certain tricks; However there are a few specific cases in which changes that seek to give to the image are much deeper, so it is necearia the realization of certain surgical procedures to achieve great changes in body image they are looking for and this thanks to cosmetic surgery. Different components of the body in response to the needs you have the patient who seeks to give a certain image to the aesthetics of your body, where the field of action for the formation and transformation of an image is the human body and various tissues that comprise it they give scope for making certain changes can be molded through cosmetic surgery, already with certain modification procedures or by means of implants or grafts. Cosmetic surgery is a branch of medicine that greater progress has had in the past times, put that procedures and techniques applied in this branch should attend operations of great relevance for the aesthetics of people, in such a way both health and cosmetic surgery requires high levels in terms of the provision of services to allow that the results are perfect and that no time see the health of the person affected. One factor that characterizes the cosmetic surgery, is that always is in constant progress and experimentation of new procedures to respond optimally to the tastes of different patients who seek to obtain the best image of your body, is to give a certain shape or improve the structure of certain tissues. Speaking of cosmetic surgery, it is worth differentiate this plastic surgery, since plastic surgery refers to procedures for molding attending to different purposes, is reconstructive type that seeks to allow the body of a person who has suffered a serious accident or has malformations, the possibility of rebuilding the affected tissues and can perform their normal duties; While cosmetic surgery, serves more to factors of tastes or Caprices with the idea of what a perfect body image look, there it’s aesthetic, so not attends to biologico-funcionales factors. The importance that has acquired the cosmetic surgery, is largely due to the value of physical beauty has become in today’s society, both as a means to show a better image to the social outline, like a medium that allows you to feel better with the same person, i.e. as a means of raising self-esteem. Between the different processes that are carried out in the development of cosmetic surgery, are you breast implants, rhinoplasty, liposuction, operation of varicose veins, different types of facelift, among many other samples of cosmetic surgery..
Currently several women resort to breast reduction surgery since they have medical problems with the size of your breasts (breasts hipertorfia), causing them problems in the back due to the excessive weight of your breasts. Although it is rare, the breast augmentation suddenly occurs and can occur during pregnancy. Although the causes of this phenomenon are unknown, plastic surgery can treat these conditions. Candidate for breast reduction to determine if you’re a candidate for breast reduction surgery you must: have breasts causing you health problems and doctors. Have breasts that interfere with your daily routines.
Suffer problems of self-esteem and sleep due to the size of your breasts. Gynecomastia breast reduction surgery what is gynecomastia? Gynecomastia is the pathological enlargement of one or both breasts in men. It can be caused by excessive use of antidepressants, hypertension drugs and steroids, among other causes. Can be corrected with the Surgery of breast and reduction with liposuction, according to the needs of the patient. Effects of possible side effects of bust reduction surgery breast reduction surgery: loss of sensation in the breasts. Bust reduction surgery can increase the chances of damage to nerves or a reduction of blood flow to the breasts or nipples. Where this happens, the loss of sensitivity can be temporary or permanent. There is also the risk that can not breastfeed after surgery.
Permanent scars. Vertical and horizontal scars are more visible and remain once the chest has healed completely. Smoking blocks the oxygen it receives the body during the healing process, so for smokers scars are typically larger and less soft. Asymmetries in the breasts. Another possible side effect of bust reduction plastic surgery is breast may not be symmetrical after the surgery. With information: temasdebelleza.
Cosmetic Surgery
Make sure you have someone that you take home after the operation of breast augmentation. That person should remain with you at least during the first 24 hours after surgery and preferably 48 hours. This is a very important step. Keep reasonable expectations about the outcome of your surgery. Buy a brassiere size that you will be after the surgery, so you’ll become accustomed. Drink plenty of water in the days prior to your operation.
This can help prevent nausea after surgery. Eat something when you take your medication for pain. It can be a piece of plain, white bread or a piece of toasted bread. Pain medications can affect the stomach and food aid to prevent any potential for nausea. Be sure to inform your surgeon about any medications, vitamins or natural remedies you are taking.
At least two weeks before your surgery, you stop taking aspirin or products containing ibuprofen and vitamins as well as herbs. Some surgeons recommend not taking them from 30 days before the surgery. Ask your surgeon if it’s okay to take Bromelain and arnica for bruising and swelling. You should not take them more than 10 days. Do not take alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours before the operation. Tell your surgeon if you have regular or irregular menstruation. The day of the surgery will be prevented. It uses loose clothing for surgery and shoes without laces. If you smoke, you should stop doing it for 4-6 weeks before the breast augmentation operation. If you find it difficult to quit, only reduce it as much as you can. Note that smoking reduces the levels of oxygen in the blood and this prevents rapid healing. It seeks to do some abdominal exercises to help strengthen the muscles. USA clothing that is easy to get (shirts buttons, trousers without closing, etc.) that don’t have to do much effort after surgery. Make sure you have the telephone number of your plastic surgeon and a emergency number if you have an accident. Clean your House and all the clothes for a day or two before your surgery. Ten clean sheets and pillowcases in bed. If you want you can sleep on the sofa. Just prepare it with sheets, blankets and pillows. Take your rubbish with you in the morning the day of your surgery. Buy enough groceries for a duration of 2 weeks more or less. Buy four bags of frozen fruit (not vegetable, because they smell very bad when they start to thaw). You can put resealable bags in the freezer to save what you need. Buy simple food, light bulbs, cookies, puddings, jellies, soups, applesauce, etc., where you don’t have much appetite. Keep a heating pad on hand. Do not place a heating pad on your breasts! Cooks some meals ahead of time and then freeze them. For example, soup, sauce, etc. The microwave can put them later.
Augmentation Surgery
Gluteal (buttocks) Augmentation Surgery is a plastic surgery procedure to enhance the gluteal volume. Sometimes removes the excess skin in the region. Everything is done through a small incision in the region interglutea to place implants, whether silicone, saline or hydrogel. The most common is to use silicone implants since they are more resistant and have a more natural consistency. For the increase in the size of the buttocks or buttocks, you can also resort to a type of cosmetic surgery that uses grafts. However, the safest procedure is placement of implants of gluteus. By buttock implants, the plastic surgeon makes incisions and then placed implant of silicone to give a more rounded shape to the gluteal area. The size of the implants depends on the quantity increase the patient desired as well as its physiognomy.
Aesthetic procedures in gluteal (buttocks) augmentation surgery are painful. The patient may not sit normally for several weeks and save an exceptional hygiene to avoid infection. You must also choose the anesthesia and choosing a plastic surgeon certified and professional. To give you a better idea you can contact different clinics of plastic surgery to explain you in more detail the procedure for increasing your buttocks. Some of them have videos of surgical procedures offered, which will help you to get a better idea of the scene.
Nose plastic surgery is one of the most common procedures in facial aesthetic medicine. As part of plastic surgeries, rhinoplasty, as it is known to this procedure consists in the restoration or modification of the nose for aesthetic purposes. It is a surgical intervention to resolve aesthetic problems of the nose as for example bone protruding from the back of the nose in the likeness of a hump, the deviations to the right or left, and congenital malformations. The case that is required to perform a functional rhinoplasty, i.e. a procedure to modify the nose cartilaginous skeleton and improve nasal breathing, for example the reconstruction of the internal valve, external valve and the alar collapse can occur. Functional and aesthetic nose intervention is advisable for the aesthetic and functional problems in one go.
This surgery should be carried out by an expert in functional and aesthetic problems surgeon or by a multidisciplinary team. Their main objectives are: harmonization of the nose based on the patient’s face the aesthetic results that do not leave scars improving the breathing process correction of nasal septum internal, if appropriate recommend to the patient regarding the changes that should perform the preoperative evaluation the surgeon must listen to wishes and expectations of the patient, regarding her nose surgery. Based on this examination, and in photographic analysis it will propose a surgical plan. YOU MUST NOT GIVE FALSE HOPES. A useful tool in this regard is the imaging software that simulates the postoperative results. Later, the patient will be referred toward the anesthesiologist for their corresponding evaluation.
Then remember medical fees and other costs generated by the surgery (hospitalisation, etc.). Come the day of the surgery, the patient must be a fast for at least eight hours, in comfortable clothing, no jewelry, no makeup. Days before surgery should avoid the consumption of drugs or substances that can alter the healing or generate bleeding, for example pain relievers, aspirin, vitamin e, among others. As for the anesthesia can be local and sedation deep, although several surgeons work more comfortable if the nose surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Complications of surgery of nose for nose surgery can arise some problems for which you must be prepared. These complications are: obstruction of respiratory allergy to anesthesia bleeding after the broken blood vessels surgery infection results not in accordance with the post-operative care patient once the effects of the anesthesia have gone, the patient can be discharged. This usually occurs 3 to 6 hours after surgery. During the first days after the operation, the patient must remain in semisitting position. You should drink lots of fluids, oral dryness caused due to not breathing through the nose. The power supply should be normal, according to the patient You can tolerate it. Tamponade removal varies with each surgeon, but can be from three hours to three days after nose surgery. You will need to reset the bandage to decrease inflammation. When the blockage is removed, you must apply saline periodically to maintain hygiene and prevent infections. For the pain, the surgeon may prescribe painkillers such as ibuprofen, paracetamol, or diclofenac.
Bariatric Surgery
When we are following a plan to lose weight and even more so after Bariatric Surgery, we expect results fast and secure. When this does not happen we tend to disappoint us and we can get out of the way. If we have already lost many kilos, it is normal that the decrease in weight is slower or even stops, when this happens there is to take some steps to reverse the situation. Plateau we call a period that can range from days to weeks in which they do not descend weight without apparent cause. The plateaus are normal in all weight reduction plans. They don’t always have to do with neglect of the person, but that sometimes they occur because of changes at the physical level (retention of liquids, constipation, prolonged rest) but on other occasions due to negative changes (conscious or not) have occurred in the diet.
If you have placed a gastric band or a gastric balloon, you should consult your doctor to check the reason for the stagnation. Perhaps the device to be reset to get back to the pace of descent usual. If, instead, you have done another type of operation or even there has been none you can find causes for your account before performing the corresponding query. Any change in diet, by at least that may seem, may affect the weight drop. The journal of meals what is happening is very important to know. If you have led him during this time it will not cost find where are the excesses or changes that produced the plateau. If you does not have a journal, empiecelo now. Once you found the reason for the problem, search for an effective solution.
Some causes that lead to the stagnation are increased portions to come very hungry (resolved by incorporating a healthy collation to arrive with less appetite to meals), replace the sugar refined by sweetener and avoid the pickings when cooking. If you can’t find the problem despite having revised power to conscience, check with your doctor. Crossing a plateau is not their fault, it is only one stage further in the decrease of weight and with the help of the specialists will not take to overcome it. Think positive and go forward, it is the only path to success.
Cosmetic Laser Surgery
Different types of laser aesthetic surgery can be divided into surgery laser ablative and non-ablative laser surgery. Lasers are used in cosmetic surgery to deal with skin problems. Some of the most common procedures of cosmetic laser surgery are: stretching of the skin, tattoo removal, hair removal methods, treatment for acne and acne scars. The lasers are commonly used in facial aesthetic surgery, since the laser is capable of changing the fabric without the need of a cut. The cosmetic surgeon decides what kind of laser used based on the patient’s skin and the magnitude of the problem to be treated, for example, the cirugaa laser for acne can be treated with one ablative, while superficial scars may require a non-ablative laser. Non ablative lasers are used to improve the texture and condition of the face skin and reduce the appearance of lines fine and wrinkles as the hams of chickens around the eyes and the lines of the smoker around the mouth, by rejuvenation and adjustment, as in a chemical. Also can be removed the stains of the face using a procedure similar to that used to eliminate birthmarks of the spots, created by the reduction of the blood vessels. Warts and certain facial tattoos can be treated with laser in the same way.
Non ablative lasers allow surgeons to perform cosmetic surgeries for Burns, scars and changes of pigmentacioncon with very little risk. Low intensity laser preserves the health of the tissues of the skin as much as possible, even if this means that several treatments may be required until the mark disappears completely. Another advantage of non ablative laser treatments is that the recovery time is much shorter and there is a lower risk of complications. Laser aesthetic surgery can be conducted in other parts of the body. A procedures with Laser non invasive is commonly used to give contour and hardening to those areas of the body where fat deposits accumulate, such as thighs, buttocks, and arms.
Photogenic People
Many of us can boast of successful photos? I think not. In addition, not all have the concept of photogenic. What is meant by it and whether it is a manifestation of true beauty? As one would expect the term "Photogenic" appeared in the cast and applied to those who are most advantageous to look at photographs in comparison with others. However, this did not depend on external data. The main thing was right to present themselves in the process shooting up into a successful attitude, and of course professional photographer. Master of his art does not need histrionics in the frame, the mask on their faces, it looks feelings, feelings of a man who can capture on film. Those photographers who strives to achieve top skill, trying to work with objects that can not be called photogenic.
Catch a unique moment of expression, emotions, inner feelings, in general, something that will never happen again not one shot – that's their problem. If your long-cherished dream of the photo shoot is about to be realized, do not forget to consider the entire image to the smallest detail. You should not overdo with glitter for hair and lips. They would look too provocative. Sit half-turned in front of the lens the photographer if you are the owner of a round face.
There is a problem with a second chin? Then it can be easily solved by slightly tilting the body forward. The brightness of his eyes will give the muted tones and matte highlighted with black lashes and outer corners of eyes. Should not be too hard to sum up her lips, especially if you use the lighter shades of lipstick, they themselves are increasing, and dark contrast. A person with a neck should be same color, so striking tonal means do not forget about all the open areas. Adjust the shape of the nose and emphasize the cheekbones may be due to a beige-brown rouge. Otherwise, you must help photographer. If he is a professional, be sure to tell the most successful angle for shooting.
India Culture
Ahead of this, ' ' outros' ' partner-economic systems and ' ' outras' ' they culturasem bigger or in minor degree, if adaptaram, but they had also reacted. We can cite examples as the China, that kept its communism adaptando it the international system of the states, India, that kept strong its culture very, but if the Middle East also inserted in the neoliberalismo and, that more defended its culture of what it was combined. The fort where contrary to the capitalist system in the neoliberal version it was marked with blood in the capital of the international capitalism in 2001, in New Iorque, through the violent ones attempted against, that they desnudaram the United States modesty, where a great economic symbol fell and the headquarters, of what the United States they called the Armed Forces greater, also was reached with men that defended of brusque form its culture, but carried only knives against a nuclear power. The attempted against ones are illegitimate. The invasion to Iraq also was. The quiet slaughter of Israel, always Israel, against the Palestinians also. The truth is that the media deturpa information and not yet obtains to come close itself to the scientific neutrality.
The neoliberalismo was, as already mentioned, one remake, that it was imposed, but it found much resistance, transformed Great nations into States Minimum, that had lost the action power that they withheld before, not that this is not bad. This capitalist version diminished the hangers of job in the state machine, created a more dynamic economy, demanded the contracted employees and futures, more years of study for the same wage more than. Also it marched on the working right-handers, superstimulated all a society to buy, transforming into consumption society. Ahead of this picture it estresse, it, depression amongst others are the illnesses of the fashion, of century XXI of the capitalism that potencializa capacities, but depletes the human being.
Weight Loss Surgery
These last years, the surgery of loss of weight has increased in popularity as an option of loss of weight (fat burners) for the severe obesity. In spite of this, nevertheless, it is important to remember that this procedure is not for all. If you are considering this as a solution of loss of weight, first must find out if you are a good candidate for her. These are the key factors that will help him to determine if the surgery to lower of weight (as system LAP-BAND) is for you. Index of corporal mass Index of corporal mass is the main method to determine the level of an individual of the obesity. The National Institutes of Salud (NIH) to establish the index of corporal mass (IMC) requisite for the surgery of loss of weight will be the following one: IMC of at least 40 or corporal weight of at least 100 pounds over the ideal weight, index of corporal mass between 35 and 39 can be in account if it suffers of at least one condition of health related to the obesity, including but not limited, the diabetes, cholesterol hypertension, apnea of the dream, high arterial pressure, depression and discharge. A calculator of index of corporal mass, like the one of Newhope Bariatrics, can help him to find out to which of the following classifications of index of corporal mass to which it belongs. * Healthful corporal weight – IMC 18.5 to 24.9 * Excess of weight – IMC 25.0 to 29.9 * Obesity – IMC 30-34,9 * Severely obese ones – IMC 35-39,9 * morbid Obesity – index of corporal mass of 40 or plus the failure of the traditional methods of loss of weight Often, the surgeons require that the patients who already must have tried to lose weight by means of the traditional diet and the regimes of exercise and documented the results before they accept to operate.