Chronic Venous Disorders

Risk factor for chronic venous disorders and serves obesity, so it is very important in body weight control. Daily diet of patients with chronic venous insufficiency should include a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, foods rich in fiber. Necessary limit the use of sharp, fatty and salty foods, since they may exacerbate the edematous syndrome. Predisposition to the appearance of varicose veins, working conditions, contributing to this, as well as the emergence of symptoms are sufficient for compression therapy, it is the most reliable and affordable way of correction of the venous outflow and of the pump leg. You can use bandages or medical hosiery (stockings or tights golfy.). A well-designed elastic bandage and appropriately chosen compression stockings prevent the extension of superficial veins and accelerate the blood circulation of the deep venous system. The easiest way to elastic compression bandaging a leg.

At the same time use the bandages and the average short stretch. The imposition of a compression bandage to spend the morning before the patient got out of bed. The physician should educate the patient technical features of the procedure. Bint begin with the cast of the foot, right at the base of the fingers, then wound in a spiral so it that each subsequent round of closed prior to 2 / 3 the width of the bandage. Particularly important that was tightly bandaged heel – this is done using a specific technique. Should inform the patient that the maximum tension and therefore pressure bandage to provide in the foot and ankle in, they should gradually diminish toward the hip. Convenient for the patient and the most appropriate in terms of normalization of venous outflow from the lower extremities, of course, is to use a special compression hosiery. With it creates a fixed, graded, progressively decreasing from the periphery to the center of pressure.

The problem lies in the doctor’s recommendation required type products (socks, stockings or tights) and a class of compression. The patient must choose a product strictly on size and use it regularly. At present, Russian market there is a sufficient choice of medical hosiery High quality in a wide price range. For the prevention of progression of chronic venous insufficiency and the appropriate use of pharmacotherapy. The patient should be aware that medication solves several problems: increased tone of venous walls, improvement of microcirculation and lymph flow, relief of inflammation, correction of fluid properties of blood. C. For this purpose it is now widely used drugs for systemic effects, etc. And, finally, in cases of valvular lack of subcutaneous venous trunks and perforating veins should be to convince patients of the need for timely surgical intervention. They need to understand that properly executed operation protects them from the emergence and related hazards. Only joint efforts of the doctor and patient can lead to prevention of its recurrence, cupping events

Uterine Fibroids

Myoma (fibroid) – a benign tumor of the muscle layer of the uterus. Can reach a large size, dense, rounded form. Fibroids may develop in the body of the uterus (95%) or in the cervix (5%). Most often fibroids multiple different sizes. Develop fibroids mainly in women 35-40 years old, young, very rare.

Before puberty, fibroids do not occur. When menopause tumor growth stops, and it may gradually disappear. Depending on the location of the fibroids are three forms: submucous tumor growth, under the mucous membrane in the direction of the uterus. interstitial-intra-musculature fibroids, in a small package asymptomatic, with an increase may diformirovat uterine cavity, causing pain. subserous-growing on the surface of the uterus in the abdomen. Symptoms of uterine fibroids. In the early development of the tumor itself does not manifest, detected at this stage in the routine inspection gynecologist.

It is therefore important to regularly visit a gynecologist (2 times a year). With the growth of fibroids there are various symptoms: menorrhagia, an increasing number of days of menstruation and krovotechnie becomes more abundant anemia is a consequence of menorrhagia metrorrgii-acyclic uterine bleeding, pain-in the lower abdomen and lower back. The nature of pain is different. In case of violation krovoobascheniya in uterine pain may be sudden and sharp. With slow growth of the tumor large-aching pain throughout the entire cycle menstrutsialnogo. If the tumor grows in the uterus cramping pain impaired function of adjacent organs is primarily the bladder and rectum. Tumor growth in the direction of these bodies is sdavlevanie. Because of this, it becomes difficult urination and more frequent. There are chronic constipation. May be a violation of the cardiovascular system: heart pains, decreased tone of the heart muscle treatment in Israel. Treatment of fibroids take place in Israel of Physicians and Surgeons methods. Therapeutic treatments are drugs that inhibit the development and growth of the tumor. For this purpose gormonicheskie drugs (eg, derivatives of progesterone). Other medicines- GnRH agonists inhibit the secretion and cause gonodotropinov psevdomenapauzu. Their use can reduce tumor size by 55%. Therapeutic treatment helps to keep the tumor without any consequences until menopause, when swelling goes away. This treatment is suitable for older women of reproductive age and after menopause. For younger people this treatment is used less frequently.