Bariatric Surgery

Thousands of Americans expect a cure for obesity, or a study that reveals the gene that causes it. Meanwhile, each time more, the number of obese people who consider performing bariatric surgery increases in the United States. All Jerry Poole wants is a surgeon, reorganize and reconfigure their digestive organs so that you cannot eat more than what fits in a small bag of the size of an egg (this procedure is known as gastric bypass). You want it so much, that he could walk on glass to achieve it. He has the determination of a man of 570 pounds (258 kg) who in his 39 years, doctors have told him that he should be dead, who tried all diets that exist and who only can sigh with the periodic news that promises that someday there will be an anti-obesity medication or a genetic study that points to the causes of obesity specific. Mr Poole illustrates the limitations of the recent discoveries, and the fact that the nation this enfilada what many call one obesity epidemic. This has left him, and many others, desperate enough to rearrange their internal organs in the hope of obtaining a welfare. Surgery may be radical for 200 pounds (90 kilos) person, but for someone that weighs 700 pounds (320 kilos) is the only option, says Jerry Poole.

His obesity has increased progressively since childhood and is a step away from being not able to neither get up from his bed. There are surveys that indicate that the number of Americans who qualify for the surgery has increased dramatically in recent years. Government statistics indicate that the number of people with a BMI (BMI) of 40 or more has increased by 200% in the last decade, being approximately 2% in men in the United States, and 4% in women. A BMI of 40 means a weight of about 200 pounds (90 kgs) for someone that measures 1.50 m, and 300 pounds (136 kg) for someone with a height of 1.80 meters. The majority of experts in obesity They point out that people with at least 100 pounds (45 kgs) of overweight or a BMI of 40, are candidates for an operation.

The American Society of Bariatric Surgery says there not a reliable estimate of how many such operations take place every year in the country, being the most popular among Americans lap band surgery. Even if the individual has a severe overweight, you should carefully consider whether they prefer the minimal risk of dying during surgery as well as their potential complications, including infection, vomiting and vitamin deficiency. Dr. Mal Fobi, the surgeon who plans to operate to Mr. Poole as soon as he reached his insurer to pay for the procedure, placed a sign in his Office that says the non-surgical treatment for obesity is not effective. This surgeon says that the risks of surgery are much smaller than those that are caused by obesity, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems. 300 Thousand Americans each year, before dying of time due to obesity. He also notes that the success rate of Bariatric Surgery is 95%, where the patient, after 5 years of surgery, has had a stable loss of at least 60% of your previous weight excess weight. If you are morbidly obese, and looking for an alternative for weight loss, in goodbye obesity we have an option for you. Bariatric Surgery offers a weight loss that will contribute to a better quality of life. Visit a greeting, Cecy Garcia

The Best Gift

In Christmas time people tend to become crazy with shopping, dinner, Fireworks and finally they forget what is true.A Christmas tree is not indispensable in order to celebrate a few drinks full of cider, or more thunderous rockets, nor trendy gifts. They were missing three days so that finally arrived Christmas. Cristina, the mother, was proud of the lights that decorated their home, since all the neighbors told that this was the most beautiful Christmas House on the block.Hugo, the father, was proud of the enormous tree full of ornaments and garlands had spent much money on it and people commented that this was the most beautiful tree of all.Sofia, the eldest daughter, was proud of the huge crib that came with the tree. It was really lovely, and Yes, the figures of Mary, Jesus and Joseph were huge people commented that this should be the most believing family of all.The smallest, Lucas, watched everything in a bad way. Your festive mood was definitely not the same your family people wondered why it would be and at the same time claimed that the boy was a desagradecido, because it had everything.The big day finally arrived.

Whole family wore elegant clothes and hoped the midnight anxious to sound their glasses with a toast. But Lucas remained pensive on a couch.During the dinner, there was only silence. They ate and were satisfied.Cristina, the mother, reproached the silence that had inhabited in the meal and set to music.Hugo, the father, was embittered because he would not have with whom popping their Fireworks, since nobody shared his tastes.Sofia, the eldest daughter, had a big question inside because she did not understand what it meant to that wonderful Manger felt that it was something more than decoration, but not dared to ask anyone that several months ago he had discussed with his parents and since then the communication with them was not good.Lucas, the smallest, ran to his room. Did not want gifts, nor a Santa Claus fat laden with Nougat, or anything. I was sad and cried almost hugging your bear.It’s time and no one was as had been planned in advance. All were empty.

None shared the tastes of each other and were about to go to each do what he wanted when Lucas opened the door of his room.-Pope go to throw rockets that you bought together would you like?-Hugo accepted immediately feeling completely happy and almost cried while he caressed the head of her son-MOM Sofy you not like noises that cause rockets, but I remembered it was dad the other day and bought only from those that make lights in the sky – two women, vibe, came outside and all shared the same action.While the sky was lighting by flashing was developed the conversation so longed by Cristina in her Sophia, to see the climate of joy, he asked what served as the manger. His father did not know what to say, because he had totally ignored. Lucas spoke:-reminds us of the birth of the child Jesus. He didn’t have a tree, or toys, or anything born among animals, but had all the love of his mother and his adoptive father, Jose. Today is his birthday and we’re celebrating it. He does not want gifts, wants union – and in an eternal embrace everyone else joined.

Follicular Units

During the procedure we do, once taken the Strip from the donor area, and while the technical team begins the fragmentation, the microincisions for its implantation will performing at the same time. Microincisions who had already designed in terms of their place, address and departure angle. In such a way that once the fragmentation already this list the receiving Area for their implementation and therefore, follicular units remain very little time without oxygen or nutrient. In our patients the mean survival of roots reaches more than 90%. If the Area to re-populate is very extensive, it has better result in terms of higher density achieved and greater amount of repopulated area performing 2 sessions.

I reiterate our commitment, put in a single session as much possible hairs within the logical and natural. We know that the preservation of follicular units is maximum when selected through microscopic dissection. And that his inclusion be done also through visual magnification surgical loupes on the receiving area following the angle and natural hair direction, this ensures the naturalness of the capillary restoration. It is what has brought the hair transplant to the 21st century. In this way we have been doing it for more than 10 years with hundreds of satisfied patients.

The essence of provide the best treatment of capillary recovery depends on of an accurate diagnosis of who is a good candidate: safe donor area more than enough, especially in advanced degrees of alopecia. The bald area (receiving) to be covered and the actual expectations of the patient, should equate to the potential of its donor area. The follow-up of preventive and effective medical treatment in those young patients who are starting an incipient alopecia. All this contribute to the success and the desired outcome. Surgeons transplant of follicular units we use most frequently know that their aesthetic distribution (not only its simple insertion) is ensuring that as a first line of aesthetic and natural capillary implantation in the front, a density that do not let filtered light and not allow the brightness head skin; and even recreate the swirl or spiral of the Crown to ensure a natural aesthetic result more than satisfactory. If your surgeon speaks throughout all these matters and commits you to your satisfaction, then it has successful in his election, and his very satisfactory result. Original author and source of the article.