Similar products robotic machine does not last three seconds. If turning the land, cooked on a vertical non-professional, filling will slip angle is 60 , while the work Wizard does not break even upside down. In Japanese cuisine and there is a very special delicacy. This fugusashi, that is, a dish of fish fugu. Fugusashi – very beautiful and unique taste of a dish. It is made of small fish fugu (puffer, or diodont fahak). Pearly fugu slices, fried or raw, are stacked in the form of petals on a round platter.
Slices dipped in a mixture of soy sauce, grated radish and red pepper. For a dish usually served as a special tea called tyavan with a lid, where a sake for 1-2 minutes dipped grilled until the edges of the fins of fish charring fugue (fugue-hiri). To serve fugu-fugusashi zosui. This soup broth of boiled fish fugu, raw eggs and rice. Every year in Japan consume more than 2 tons of fugu. Although this fish is dangerous. After all, every year in Japan, recorded 30 cases of poisoning of fish and 60% of poisoning leading to death. We must remember that in this fish contains poison nerve – nerve agent.
He 275 times more toxic than cyanide – tetrodotoxin. The lethal dose for humans – 1 mm of the substance. In order to obtain a lethal dose of poison is enough to touch his hand to fit inside fish. Cook, cooking is a delicacy and an expensive meal (250 to 750 dollars per kilogram), must complete a special school. The only way to get a license to open a specialty restaurant. Two years under the guidance of teachers need to learn to cook all the culinary secrets, because in some cases, the poisoned pieces are determined only by the slightest changes in color. Next you need to pass a rigorous state exam: 20 minutes must be to cut fish, separate the poisonous parts and make a plate of sashimi. Even the smallest blot result, the chef will be forced to change specialty. Preparation of a fugue is as follows: fast strikes "hocho" – a sharp and thin blade – a chef separates the fins, cut off the mouth parts and reveals the belly of fish. Then he carefully removes the poisonous parts, ie, liver, ovaries, kidneys, eyes, removes the skin (it is no less toxic) and fillets are very thin slices (the plates should be no thicker than paper). Then the meat should be thoroughly rinsed with water to remove the slightest stain of blood and venom. Fillet, prepared in this way, the chef slices has to dish, creating a landscape image of a butterfly or a way of flying crane. Higher skill at cooking – to keep the poison as much as necessary in order to cause the visitors of the restaurant a pleasant feeling drug euphoria. By the way, sometimes after tasting some fugu connoisseurs can come paralysis that threatens death. In addition to countless dishes of fish and other seafood are popular. This, for example, squid and cuttlefish and shrimp, oysters and clams, which are fried, boiled, stewed and prepared from their soups. If you liked this article, I advise you to go to a sushi-blog where you'll find even more interesting information recipes and sushi.