The Brazilian

The media presents, that is, it functions as one ' ' lens of aumento' ' that it presents what the society considers beauty. Therefore, it attributes to the partner-cultural questions persistence for this type of standard, that the media presents. It places the diffusion of the alimentary upheavals as a by-product of the globalization process, the people having necessity of belongs the human groups starts to imitate the models that the media transmits, but that they are deriving of the society. In the analysis of the article of Alvarenga and Larino, it does not have reference the media, the authors they present that the Alimentary Upheavals are multidetermined and result in the interaction between biological, cultural factors and personal experiences. In such a way, it does not have no evidence so that let us can conclude if, for these professionals, the media is eliciadora or propayer of this type of pathology.

In the table of Gastroenterology we see that the medical professional in question, believes the following factors: emotional, familiar, personality, hereditary succession, organic and cultural, however in its speech, we can verify a bigger emphasis to the cultural context. However, when we reduce the look for the media in question (therefore it is inserted in this context, serving to this context), we verify that the same it believes that it is interested itself in keeping what already she is, but not as eliciadora of this riot. After the analysis of what each professional presents on the media we perceive that to place the media as responsible for the Alimentary Upheavals he would be very tendencioso, since some nor had mentioned the envolvement of this. For what we read, the media is televising it or printed has been accused for being the visible part of this process, is who if it displays. Clearly that for presenting propagandas, to stimulate the practical one of diets, at last, to make use of its power to present ' ' the culture of corpo' ' , ' ' to dictate beleza' ' , she has great contribution, but it is not creating models, is transmitting the opinion of the society. To make use of the power that the media has to emphasize these questions does not have to be disrespected, but from there to enxergar it as villainous of this process it is a well different question. 5.0 – Consideraes Final After to reflect on the subject, we conclude that even so all exists this quarrel that turns on the influence or not of the media, as well as of the family and of factors genetic associates to the Alimentary Upheaval, we arrive at a crucial point, which was not found in none of the references searched for us, but that in them insight appeared as one. The Brazilian climate! Our tropical climate (sun, sea, etc), it strong influences in to show them the body and on account of this we have a culture where everybody wants ' ' malhar' ' to be ' ' bem' ' in the summer and to show a beautiful body in the beach and the carnival. Different of the European and North American culture in